Open project development
Open Project Development
Opd 6 August 2006

Welcome to the Open Project Development LDI. This page is not a guideline about the wiki. Here the LDI project is being developed. This is its main goal:

Goal -

Find the best way to offer the possibility for people to do something in the world, and to collaborate through the web

Goal -


The other goals come from this. If you want to join this project, add your signature under "contributors". Write your proposals in the "discussion" page.

Other languages[]

Collaborare online


The contributors of the LDI project want to:

Goal -

Find the best way to collectively organizate things on the web

Goal -

Find the best kind of site to do it

Goal -

Study the possibilities of mediawiki sites

Goal -

Realizate this on

Goal -

Get a wiki meta project


Subproject -

Logo - A project for finding the logo of the wikia

Subproject -

Policies - A project for finding the best policies for this wikia

Subproject -

Guidelines - A project for editing the guidelines

Subproject -

Tools - A project for developing Tools

Subproject -

Collaboration - A project for collaborating with other wikia

Subproject -

Public Relations - A project for managing Public Relations of OPD

Subproject -

Multilinguality - Managing the translation and multilinguality of the pages

Subproject -

Quality - Developing the quality of OPD

Subproject -

LDI - Developing the properties, structure look of LDIs

Subproject -

Routines - Things to do on events

Subproject -

Net - Creating a net of related topics, LDIs and wikis


Discussion -

OPD - What is OPD? How to develop it? Potential and future

Discussion -

LDIs on MediaWiki - Pros and cons, searching for new features.

Story of the project[]

The LDI project starts at Sunday the 6th of August 2006.

Info -

Story - This wiki has been on edit this for a while

Wiki moves to wikia the 18th of August 2006. New URL:

To do[]

To do -

Routine Work

Assigned to: Let's

  • Watch other sites and wikis where it has been publicized
  • Watch the recent changes
  • Welcome newcomers
  • Actualize Template:News
  • Keep contact with neighbors



Let's - Founder

Info and links[]

OPD is collaborating with other wikia:

OPD links to other wikia for specific info:

OPD compares itself to other project management, collaboration, community, communication websites, software, groups:
